The content of these stories are rated for 18 years and older.
"TaskMaster's Beginnings"
- How Selek cha'Sholtan became The Ancient One's successor.
"Salatrel"s Beginnings"
- How Salatrel became a kitausu-dvinsu.
"T'Khasian Bedtime Tales"
- The activities of the Writer's Cavern.
"The Naming Ceremony"
- Another kitausu-dvinsu is chosen.
"The Lesson"
- A kitausu is taught to expand her vocabulary in a most interesting way.
"Taskmaster's Duties"
- A TaskMaster's work is never done and he learns that he should leave someone in charge.
"Selek's & T'Aitlu's Revenge"
- The Vulcans seek a unique type of revenge.
"The Dancing"
- S'haile Selek and T'sai T'Aitlu set out for the evening.
"The Care of a Sick TaskMaster"
- The TaskMaster somehow catches a cold and the kitausu-dvinsu have an interesting way of making him feel better.
"The Backrub"
- The care of the TaskMaster continues.
"The Orientation of Mistress T'Shal"
- A new member of the TrekSmut Sweatshop is introduced to our ways.
"The Leopard Theory"
- A chain of events that snowball.
"Between Bondmates:The Complete Adventures"
- Visitors to the SweatShop find a little more than they bargained for.
"T'Aaneli's Orientation"
- Another Vulcan is chosen to become a kitausu.
"Resource & Fanfiction Links"
- We have picked some our favourite places to check out. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do."
This list will be updated as offerings are added.
"The BlueMoon Weyr"