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![]() "The Care of A Sick TaskMaster" or "What We Do When You Are Not Here..."
as Recorded by Kitausu-dvinsu T'Aitlu
"Where is S'haile Selek?" Vorik was holding a collection of computer slates. He looked to the two kitausu that would know where is was.
Salatrel looked up from her terminal. "I haven't seen him today?" She looked to T'Aitlu.
"He has not come in as of yet." She stood and withdrew her slate and added it to the stack that Vorik already had. "He was not in his office when I began this morning."
Vorik sighed. Any day the TaskMaster did not show up was a day that would try his patience. He went into the TaskMaster's office and placed the slates down. He noted that the stack he had placed their yesterday was only half processed. He turned on the terminal and found that the last story he worked on was in the early evening the day before.
Vorik sat down in the chair and touched the tie-in to Selek's living chambers. A sneeze answered his page. "S'haile?"
"Yep." Selek sighed heavily. "Wat do you want?"
"Are you all right?"
"No, I hab a cold."
Vorik sat back, no one in this century has ever had a cold. "Your trip to Earth?"
"Maybe." He cleared his throat. "Just lep me sleep, Vorik. You and Taurik take car ob tings.." He coughed then sighed again. "And don't let dem take ober."
"Yes, S'haile." Vorik sat a little straighter, his eyes on the computer controls as he closed the connection.
Needless to say that word spread quickly and in no time at all Salatrel and T'Aitlu abandoned their terminals and presented themselves at the TaskMaster's side.
Covers were straightened, fresh water was poured, pillows were fluffed and the accumulated tissues were disposed of. Tea was then made and Salatrel applied a warming balm to his back and to help with his breathing.
Selek had not had an opportunity to even ask for anything. Everything was being done as efficiently as ever. And after seeing to the Master being fluffed, straightened and medicated, the two flittering around him finally lighted on the foot of his bed.
"Your epports are most abreciated." Selek stated. "Beginink to fell bedder all ready." He managed a smile.
"Anything else, S'haile?" T'Aitlu asked.
"Nop, just need to sleep." His eyes had been closing slowly as he spoke then opened suddenly. "How's Vorik and Taurik doing?"
"We do not know. We left as soon as we heard of your condition, S'haile."
Selek sat up, a little concerned at leaving them with the others... alone. "Dey need to be suprevized. Dey are not ready for de responsibilidy"
The two jumped up in unison, a hand was placed gently on the sick Vulcan's shoulder and he was pressed back into the pillows.
"Rest, S'haile. We will go and check on them in a moment." Salatrel stated firmly. "Do you wish something to read?"
Selek nodded. "Get me some ob de storbies that I left ober dere..." He pointed to the small stack of computer slates. "Bring ober de reader. I will work here." He sneezed and grabbed for another tissue then with a sigh settled back into the pillows.
"Later. For now you rest." T'Aitlu held the collection of slates. "And I will take them with us so that you do rest."
Salatrel nodded in agreement. She gave him a light kiss on the cheek. "Remember we will be back later for your body rub..."
Selek coughed then sighed. "Looking forward to it." He grinned, maybe being sick wasn't going to be so bad after all.
A few days later TaskMaster pokes his head into the writers' room. Squealed greetings and lots of hugs and kisses from all of his charges.
"I need to breathe!" He shouted. "Thank you. I feel much better now." He looked at the group then but his hands at his waist. "Now back to work."
A flurry of activity as they all moved back to their positions. A few looked up and gave him an extra look before returning to their work. Productivity was going to be high today.
Selek headed into his office noticing as he did the Vorik was no where in sight. He wondered about that Vulcan some days... He touched the lighting control for his office and stood shocked at the site in front of him....
"Vorik, what did you do!" He could not help but smile.
Vorik sighed then moaned. It was the only thing he could do.
Selek's eyes followed the numerous wraps of the heavy silk cording, then took into account the silk that was wrapped and fastened around his mouth and then noticed that the 'controls' were missing from his desk. He laughed as the Vulcan started squirming... just a little.
"Salatrel has the controls... right?"
Vorik could only moan and nod.
Selek looked to the doorway as the two females stepped in. "Was he that bad?"
They both nodded.
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