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![]() "The Lesson" as Recorded by TaskMaster Selek
as recorded in the Hall of Records
T'Aitlu looked at her new home, an imposing stone structure that held ancient caves. This facility was officially part of TSU, TOS Division, but was situated off-campus, down by the sea. The official name was T'Khansian Tauk shi'Kitausu-divinsu, which translated as Vulcan Caverns of the Writer-servants. Those on Campus called it the TrekSmut Sweatshop, or the Blue Moon Sweatshop as the TaskMaster can only be seen on Campus during the blue moon.
T'Aitlu called it home. She entered through the heavy wooden doors and a shudder of anticipation flowed through her. This was a great honour, not everyone was chosen to become a kitausu. She noticed the ancient caves that housed the sleeping quarters of the kitausu which was on the same level the massive library. Above them was the workshop and the TaskMaster's private residence.
T'Aitlu was met by a young Vulcan male, formally dressed in a heavy brown robe trimmed with black. There were clasps sporadically situated down the front of it. "You must be T'Aitlu. Please follow me." He made no attempt to identify himself. He led her up the wide, curving staircase to the second level and pushed the large double doors open. Inside, T'Aitlu saw a huge room with about 25 authors typing furiously away. She noticed that there were Humans, Vulcans, and even a Romulan working in the workshop.
An imposing male Vulcan in middle age approached her. He wore a more ornate, floor-length, brown robe with jewels sewn on the front. His hair was black with flecks of gray in it and was cut in the conventional Vulcan style. "You may leave us now, Vorik," he commanded. Vorik left them standing in the doorway. "My name is S'haile Selek. I am the TaskMaster of this workshop and you must be T'Aitlu. I have heard favourable things about your work. Welcome." His eyes roamed her face and body which was clad in a lush, deep green gown. He swept his arm before her motioning her to enter the workshop before him.
He led her to a workstation and familiarized her with the set-up of the computer. "You will submit your slates to my assistants upon completion of a story or a part of a story. You will see them walking around, just motion them over, or place the slate here," indicating a basket on the corner of the desk. "I will examine them and make my corrections or comments within square brackets. I expect you to make the corrections immediately."
Selek left her and strode to his office. The being next to her leaned over and whispered, "Welcome. My name is..."
"Salatrel! Cease talking and start typing! And remember, your punctuation needs work!" Selek bellowed. He turned abruptly and returned to his office.
"It's okay, he's harmless," Salatrel whispered. "I'll talk to you at the break."
The days flowed one into another and T'Aitlu started to relax and enjoy her life here, as much as a Vulcan could. Taurik, Selek's other assistant tapped her on the shoulder, "The TaskMaster wishes to see you in his office," he said softly so as not to disturb the other kitausu. T'Aitlu rose immediately and headed to S'haile Selek's office.
She knocked at the door. "Come." said the voice inside. She entered hesitantly. "Please come in and shut the door, T'Aitlu. I wish to discuss something with you. Have a seat." She inclined her head in respect and sat in the offered chair.
"I have noticed that your writing is exceptional, and that you have tremendous potential. However, your vocabulary is somewhat... tame. I mean, your smutty parts are almost...clinical. You have such potential that I would hate to have to send you back to Vulcan. I have decided to teach you some of the necessary vocabulary myself. It would be acceptable if you would join me for dinner in my residence tonight."
"I would be honoured, S'haile."
"Vorik will bring you, providing he's not occupied with Salatrel. If he is, Taurik will escort you. I'll see you at 6 p.m."
T'Aitlu was nervous for the rest of the day. She wished to present herself well to Selek, so she chose her favourite green, low-cut gown that accentuated all her assets. Vorik arrived at her sleeping quarters at precisely 5:55 p.m. and deposited her at Selek's private entrance at 5:59 p.m.
Selek opened the door and dismissed Vorik, who hurried away, presumably back to Salatrel. "Please come in, T'Aitlu." She entered his quarters and noticed that they were somewhat spartan, but tastefully decorated. The living area had comfortable chairs and a long sofa. There was even a fireplace with a fire crackling in it. The dining area had a long table with comfortable, high-backed chairs around it.
Selek wore the same robe he wore at the workshop, and she noticed the clasps were spaced quite far apart. Selek offered her a glass of sherry, which she graciously accepted. "I don't drink as a rule, but I'd make an exception in this case," she said nervously.
"If you'd prefer, I can find some juice for you," Selek offered.
"No, it's not necessary. Sherry will do just fine."
"Please sit. We can start our first vocabulary lesson after dinner."
Dinner was a sumptuous affair, with good food, good wine, and good company. Conversation flowed easily between the two of them as did the wine. They retired to the living area and Selek remained standing while T'Aitlu sat on the sofa. Selek looked out of the window with his back to her. "I think we should start our vocabulary lesson now." He turned to face her and undid the top clasp of his robe. His chest was bare underneath. He pointed to his nipple and said, "What is this called?"
"A nipple," she answered confidently.
"And what do you do with it?" Selek demanded.
"You... lick it?" Her confidence was short-lived.
"Is that all?"
"I think so."
"No! Use your imagination. Now, try again. What do you do with it?"
"I don't have the words to express it!" she said exasperated.
"Come here. Touch me. Play with my chest," he said softly.
T'Aitlu's hands tentatively started to roam across Selek's chest, rolling his nipples between her thumbs and index fingers of both hands. Selek looked deep into her eyes and murmured into her ear, "Tell me what you're doing. Describe it to me."
She rested her forehead against his chin and said, "I'm rolling them between my thumb and index finger..."
"Good, good. Now, do something else and describe it," he moaned.
She rubbed his erect nipples with her palms and described how they felt under her hands.
"Excellent." Selek grabbed her arms and straightened her. Her eyes were glazed at first, then cleared.
"I think I'm getting the idea. I have to experience this before I can express it."
"Yes." Selek undid the waist-level clasp and opened his robe. T'Aitlu was surprised that he was naked under it. Selek pointed to his semi-erect cock and said, "What's this?"
"A penis."
"No. If I wanted the medical term, I would have asked a healer. I want a TrekSmut term. Try again," he demanded.
"Better. What does it look like?"
"It's almost erect, the glans is green in colour and the ridges have not flared yet," she stated proudly.
"Thank you, Healer T'Aitlu. I don't require my annual physical now," he said sarcastically. "I see we have a lot of work to do. It's a cock! A rod! My manhood! Okay, what are these called and don't say testicles."
"Balls?" she said timidly.
"Very good. There is hope after all. Do you wish to experience my genitals as you did my nipples?"
"Oh yes, S'haile, if I may," she breathed, her eyes widened.
"If you do, you must describe what you see and feel. Is that clear?"
She nodded. He moved closer to her and she reached for his shaft. She stroked him slowly, reveling in the texture of his hot, dry skin. His cock firmed up and she described how his firmness felt in her warm hand. She traced the vein that ran along the underside of his penis with her finger and, later, her tongue. At that, Selek moaned and a drop of pre-cum oozed from his cock-head. He had her identify it before he allowed her to lick it off. When she asked for his hard rod to impale her he knew the lesson was doing some good.
"Wait, T'sai. You're not ready yet." Selek kneaded her full breasts after removing her gown to the waist. He demanded she describe what she was feeling, and if she got too clinical or tame, he would stop and pull his cock out of her hand or mouth. She got the idea quickly and begged him to fuck her. "At last, the F-word," Selek sighed in satisfaction.
He rewarded her with him slowly lowering himself on her, his cock poised at her dripping entrance. He slowly slid his length into her as she grabbed his ass to pull him in deeper. He started thrusting and she matched his rhythm easily. He moved faster and deeper into her, pumping almost frantically now. Her fingers clutched at his robe on his back to hold on as she felt her climax build from within. Her muscles contracted around his pistoning cock as her fluids lubricated him. She thrust her hips to meet his movements and arched her back as her climax ripped from her. Selek felt the muscles grab his cock as his seed burst from him deep into her sex. She milked every drop from him and he finally collapsed on top of her. Both Vulcans lay panting on the couch, unable to move, Selek still deep inside T'Aitlu.
Finally, Selek slipped out of her and rolled off the sofa. He caught his breath and kissed T'Aitlu tenderly on the lips. 'I wish you to do something for me. I wish you to write about this experience tomorrow and submit it to me. I would like to see if this lesson has been learned successfully or if a repeat lesson is necessary."
"I will S'haile."
The next morning after the break, T'Aitlu gave Selek a slate, then returned to her station. Selek put it in his reader and relaxed in his chair. When he had finished reading, he removed the slate and put it in a wall safe marked 'Special Stories' with a slight smile on his lips and a bulge in his robe.
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