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![]() "The Back Rub" as recalled by Kitausu-dvinsu Salatrel
from the Care of a Sick TaskMaster
"Sniff, sniff... do not leave me here." the flu ravaged taskmaster begs from his sick bed.
"I am only going out for some kassa juice, S'haile. Salatrel has agreed to give you a rub down. Your aching body needs it. Salatrel, work your Romulan magic on our poor Selek." and with that last instruction the stately Vulcan woman swept out the door.
The sick Vulcan TaskMaster rolled over and sighed. He seemed to miss her already. He noticed the small Romulan standing by his bedside anxiously awaiting his permission to perform her duty.
"S'haile...permit me?" she asked quietly and nervously.
He groaned and rolled over presenting his back. It is smooth, rippled and strong. Salatrel raises an eyebrow in silent admiration. She pours the warm scented oil in her hands and bends down to perform a most happy duty.
As the scent of the sandalwood oil hits his stuffed nostrils, a feeling of enthusiasm begins to swell in him. He cranes his neck slightly to look at the placid faced Romulan. She was small in stature and a dark mane of curls framed her pretty face. Her little lips and large expressive eyes were always quick with a smile. But this day she seemed earnest and serious.
"Does this please you S'haile." she asked, again very much the servant this day.
He moaned and rolled back over to enjoy her pliant hands.
Salatrel's small hands worked his back. She was a dwarf in comparison to this tall Vulcan male lying prostrate on his sick bed. Despite her size, she was strong and as she kneads away the tightness, Selek begins to feel almost Vulcan again. The aching from his long interment in the bed was beginning to fade as she worked his shoulders, stroked his lower back, rubbed his sides. When she applied more oil, her hands easily glided over his now pliable flesh. He felt her ripple his muscles up and down and from side to side. Her finger tips made circles from top to bottom and back again.
For a moment she ceased her touch, then renewed it with additional vigor.
Selek looked at her through one groggy eye. She had removed her heavy outer robe. She was clad only in her purple light undershift. The outline of her small body was easily revealed as the sunlight shone in is window. He watched in quiet regard as her full breasts moved with her efforts on his back. He gazed at the curve of her backside as the flimsy fabric clung to her behind and hips. A twitch in his groin area caused him to groan.
At his sound, she gave him an innocent but slight smile, "This is pleasing to you S'haile?" and asked in a wistful voice.
Curious he thought. She actually seemed appealing this afternoon. He rolled over onto his back and schootched over. Salatrel lifted her hands off his body and began to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Selek asked.
"You seem be satisfied with your back rub." she stated flatly and grabbed the towel to wipe her oil slicked hands.
"The T'sai implied that you were giving me a body rub. I believe that would include my front as well?" he raised an eyebrow at this most logical explanation. He tapped his stomach implicating that she should continue.
Her downcast eyes hid her amusement, a slight smile played at her little lips. "Of course S'haile."
As she slowly approached the Vulcan, he noticed a different look come over her face. A barely contained predatory expression passed over her continence and then disappeared. He believed that he imagined the flickering and relaxed himself, preparing himself for more pleasuring at the hands of this...little one.
Selek settled back with his hands clasped behind his head.
Salatrel calmly picked up the oil flask and opened the stopper. She raised an eyebrow and tipped the flask. They both watched as the liquid slowly oozed from the lip and in a single stream fell to his furred chest.
He arched his back at the liquidy surprise. As it splashed up and hit him in the chin, they shared a slight smile. She bent down close to him and wiped his chin off with her hair. As she bent down, his eyes were drawn to the open neckline of her shift. Her soft full breasts were still bound in her undergarments, but much of her lovely flesh still managed to spill out over the top. She noticed his attention and gave him a knowing glance.
Their faces were very close, so close that he felt her breath on his face.
They locked eyes and in a breathy tone she requested. "S'haile, I believe that to give you the best front rub I can, I will need to be on the bed... on top of you...will you permit me?"
Meanwhile, in the kitchen at the far end of the facility, T'Ailtu has a tickling sensation in her mind. She reaches out to Salatrel, but is shielded. Then she reaches out to her TaskMaster. His emotions are all too evident. She decides to take the long and slow walk back to his quarters. The humored Vulcan woman does not wish to interrupt anything. "Seems the juice nor my presence are an imperative for the moment." She mused to herself.
As she strolled through the campus, she took notice of the other students. Everyone was very happy and very... affectionate during this spring time season.
"This puts me in the mood for..." she tapped her lip and wondered to herself what delicacy she craved. "Ah-ha" she exclaimed as she passed a vending machine. "There you are my pretties." she called to them as she dropped her coins into the slot. "Jujubes! The candy of writers!!" she quipped to herself as she opened the box.
The stately Vulcan woman smiled a sly smile as she continued to sense her TaskMaster's growing twitch. She continued on her stroll popping chewy candies in her mouth.
The S'haile took in a deep breath at this most unexpected request. Salatrel was usually very formal and the picture of decorum, but lately it seemed, ever since the Romulan and T'Aitlu found amiable companions in each other, things had changed. They were both a bit...friendlier. Selek like this arrangement. And the budding intimacy amongst the three of them suited him just fine. But this... Salatrel's laying of her hands on him was an unexpected.
He watched as she hiked up her shift to her thighs. She knelt on the bed and straddled his hips. Her slight weight settled on his groin. Through the thin sheet he could feel the part in between her legs. He shifted his hips to accommodate her form. Her small hands glided over his chest. As her down cast eyes followed the path of her hands, he again took notice of her face, so innocent, so quiet.
"Salatrel," he quietly called her name. "Why have we not done this before?"
Suddenly her face changed, she became very dark and earnest and her face lowered to his. She whispered his name "Selek," her dark and intense eyes held his. " I am merely your writing servant..." she trailed off and looked down at her hands still on his chest.
He lifted her chin to meet his face. "We are also friends, Salatrel" He drew her face closer to his but she pulled back.
"The T'sai" she said and turned her head quickly as she sensed the Vulcan woman nearing Selek's quarters.
As the two lay on the bed, T'Ailtu strolled in with her candy.
An embarrassed Salatrel attempts to remove herself from Selek's chest but he held her close. "No, there are no children to tend to, no hru'hfirh to fetch for. Stay here with us."
T'Ailtu sidled up next to the two on the bed. She laid her box of candy on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed. Her hand stroked Salatrel's curls and traveled down the curve of her back where Selek's hands are clasped tightly around her. She took S'haile's fingers in hers, releasing his hold on her Romulan friend.
Salatrel slipped off of Selek's chest on to the other side of the bed. T'Ailtu unclasped her robes and cast them aside. She too is clad only in a light shift but hers is a shimmering blue material. It flowed effortlessly over the T'Sai's beautiful form. Both Selek and Salatrel admired her beauty of feminine form. T'Aitlu lay on the other side of the Vulcan male.
He wrapped his arm around each woman pulling them close. First he kissed the lips of T'Aitlu, warm, loving and familiar, but they possess a passion that is always seething just below the surface. When he turns to Salatrel, her lips are trembling, but she reaches up to meet his. At first their lips meet in a soft brushing.
That brush of the lips awakened the sleepy passion in them both. They looked at each other and lips met again, this time with more intensity. They had let out a breathy moan and felt that heavy quivering in the back of their heads. Her lips nipped at his as he pulls her in closer almost crushing her in his one armed embrace.
T'Ailtu begins to kiss and lick his neck tickling his most sensitive spots and sending shiver up his spine.
This added stimulation spurs him on in his oral exchange with the little Romulan. He is most surprised as her little sweet tongue parts his lips and touches his hot tongue. She is getting brave he thinks, he hears T'Ailtu in his mind. She has wanted to be with us for awhile, just too shy.
Selek breaks from his kiss to Salatrel and looks her in the eyes. She smiles and hungrily captures his mouth again. He is surprise at her intensity then her kisses become more ardent and her lips begin to crush his.
T'Aitlu begins to lick his eartips and her hand trails down his thigh. Salatrel grasps Selek's face and holds him to her mouth. In her hunger she throws one leg over Selek's hips and T'Ailtu begins to stroke Salatrel's bare leg.
In unison both women bolted up and stated to the surprised Vulcan male. "Too many clothes" they both pulled their shifts up and over their heads. They tickled his body with the soft material and kissed his aching body through the fabric barrier. He smiled and played with their hair. The two cybersirens roamed their faces all over his upper body. Salatrel laid the material on his face. He breathed in her scent, patchouli. She kissed him so ardently and with such force he had trouble catching his breath.
T'Atilu slipped the sheets off of his lower form, she runs the flimsy material over his furred thighs tickling him and teasing him.
T'Aitlu sat up and looked at her Romulan friend. They share a smile and gazed at the prostrate Vulcan male.
"S'haile, " T'Ailtu began seductively. "We are similar in appearance. . Salatrel and I?"
Both women moved down to his groin. Now that he looked at the two side by side, he noticed a similarity in their faces. He raise an eyebrow and wondered, "Curious, you are similar."
A crooked smile played across the Romulan's face. " I wonder if the S'haile could tell us apart." and with that comment, she hopped off the bed, and grabbed a scarf from the nightstand. As she bent down to blindfold Selek, her full breast brushed his chest.
An interesting sensation, he thought.
Selek could see nothing. He heard Salatrel's voice. Her usually sweet childish voice seemed deeper and more intense now.
"Now S'haile, who is this?"
The blindfolded Vulcan felt soft lips brush his. After the kiss, he licked his lips and tasted cinnamon. "T'Ailtu." he announced.
"You are correct, Selek" T'Aitlu admitted.
Her voice was always sultry. Her voice was most appealing to him and always moved him in many ways.
"Now who is this?"
Selek felt full moist lips gently pull at his. He tasted... bubblegum? "Salatrel?" he asked and licked his lips.
"Correct again Selek, " Salatrel admitted. "Now for the real test, who is this?"
Selek arched his back in unexpected pleasure as his member was engulfed in wetness and tightness. An unknown tongue twirled around the tip and released him with a light farewell flick.
Now, he had no idea!! "I believe I need another demonstration." he gasped as he caught his breath after this surprise.
"No... it does not work that way."
He wondered whose voice that was? The Vulcan's or the Romulan's?
"Ok try this..."
Again he felt his now rock hard member engulfed. But this time there was no flicking tongue. Instead soft inner thighs were pressed to his hips. He reached to stroke her thighs, but his wrists were grabbed and pinned up behind is head
"No touching," he heard a female voice command.
"I .I . II..." he stammered. "I have no idea...Salatrel?"
"No." This time he was certain it was T'Ailtu's voice.
Then a fury of hands and lips and tongues and unidentifiable wetness began to roam all over his body. Not an inch of him lay untouched, unkissed or unbitten. Heavy tickling hair trailed all over his body and face. Hands and fingers touched, tickled his chest, his thighs and his member. He would be engulfed then touched then licked. The soft sacs beneath his member were not neglected either. Someone's small mouth took them in, but he was too distracted to guess by the lips on his and a finger prodding against his forbidden hole. He opened his legs wider to allow the tiny intrusion. His nipples were pinched and licked. He was overwhelmed by this sudden onslaught of pleasure.
All of a sudden the touches stopped. He felt the two women leave the bed for a moment. The blindfold was gently undone and he beheld the smiling face of T'Aitlu. Hungrily, he kissed her and pulled her down on top of him. He roamed his hands all over her body. He wanted so badly to touch her and explore her then he felt Salatrel straddling his legs. He heard splashing and the warm oil began to tickle his sides as it oozed onto the bed. He and the T'sai smiled in their kiss at this unexpected pleasure.
Her body rubbed and caressed his, her full breasts were pressed against his firm chest and her thighs rubbed at his member. He opened his eyes and noticed Salatrel behind T'Aitlu. She was busily rubbing oil onto the Vulcan woman. Her hands smoothed oil all over T'Aitlu's backside, up and down the firm roundness of her buttocks. The curly haired girl worked the oil into the cracks and crevices between T'Aitlu legs.
Instinctively, the Vulcan female reared her hips up slightly to allow Salatrel to fully oil her inside legs and female parts. Her little Romulan fingers gently tugged at the inner lips deep within T'Atilu folds. T'Aitlu felt slippery and warm fingers flip around her flesh. One lone finger trailed down the devining crack starting at her spine across her forbidden hole and slip ever so gently and slowly into her hot wet pussy.
Urgently, Salatrel grasped T'Aitlu's hips and yanked her off of Selek. "Get up S'haile. Time to get to work!" Salatrel commanded in her best Romulan Tal Shiar voice.
Surprisingly, the Vulcan male immediately obeyed her command and bolted up in the bed. He noticed that T'Aitlu was now on all fours. Her breasts hung down, her nipples practically brushing the bed sheets. She was trembling in excited pleasure. Her glazed eyes peered up at the S'haile.
"Selek! Get behind her" He eagerly obeyed and took up a kneeling position behind his beautiful T'sai. He lovingly caressed her round backside in appreciation. He trailed a long finger down her oil soaked crack sending shivers though her body. He liked having her shake on his finger.
Salatrel slid herself beneath T'Aitlu. They gave each other a light kiss as their breasts touched.
The two women lock eyes. Salatrel is the only one who knows what is going to happen. She grins like a Chesire cat at this secret knowledge. As she settle beneath her T'hy'la, her legs grabbed the S'haile by the hips and pulled him even closer to T'Aitlu 's wet hotness.
He rubbed his member on her crack, and with his hands pushed her cheeks together. The sensation of being slide between her cheeks was most satisfying. And with Salatrel's legs wrapped around his hips. He had no where to go. He wanted to go no where except forward and back. He slipped his member in the folds of her wetness. Her femaleness caressed his hot throbbing member. Slowly, carefully, he prodded at her entrance, she gasped at the slight pain. He took her hair in his hands and gently let it slip through his fingers. He grabbed her backside and slowly glided himself in.
She clutched at the bed sheets and clenched her teeth as he cleaved her flesh and soothed the ache deep with her.
Salatrel bore witness to her T'hy'la's pleasure as it ravaged her face.
Contorted in the pleasurable pain of penetration, she bit her bottom lips and clamped her eyes shut. Once he was inside her she took in a breath. As she released her breath, she opened her eyes and saw her little one beneath her smiling. T'Atilu bent down to kiss her, but Selek decided to move within her. She gasped as she felt her rings being pulled and tugged and rippled. His thighs pressed against her buttocks. His soft sacs now brushed against her red hot wet pussy. She felt as if she was being banged from the inside out.
Selek felt her tightness increase around his hard member as he rocked inside her. He glided smoothly in and out of her.
As he increased the pace of his thrusting, T'Aitlu found herself pushing her self back onto him, meeting his thrust pace for pace. She was a very hungry woman wanting her vagina to be stroked and opened wider.
Selek felt her tightness relenting and he was able to pick up the pace.
T'Aitlu's breast shook in the banging. Salatrel captured a nipple in her mouth as it flew past her face.
As the three were locked in one pulsing rhythm of the passions, they all moan in unison at his pleasure. Salatrel breaks her oral hold on T'Aitlu nipple and scoots out from beneath her.
T'Aitlu's eyes are closed in pleasure. Hers and Selek's rhythm continue at steady thrusting. T'Ailtu feels Salatrel get beneath her again. She open her eye and instead of a face greeting her, Salatrel's little mound of dark hair was before the Vulcan woman's view. She sucks in her breath as she feels a warm wet mouth on her clitoris. Selek ceases his thrusting as he feels fingers grasping his sac then a warm tongue running along the softness and lips tugging at the hair.
From beneath them both they hear, "Please continue"
Salatrel's hand guided Selek by the balls back to the rhythm that her T'hy'la so enjoyed. As the two's mating and meeting flesh banged together, Salatrel's tongue lips and fingers touched, licked and sucked on their parts as they brushed past her open eager mouth. Selek's member would brushed across her lips as he withdrew from T'Aitlu.
T'Aitlu shivered as Salatrel lips sucked at the swollen nub that was her clit.
Once again, the three were locked into passionate rhythm. Then Selek found himself wanting to release. The stroking and thrusting and engulfing was getting to be too much for him. He wanted to slow down, to sustain this pleasure for as long as possible. But Salatrel would not allow him too. Her little hand on his hot balls, just kept him at this frantic pace. He had no control over their thrusting pounding beating pace. It brought him to the edge too quickly and before he knew...
He spurted everything he was and had into his beautiful T'sai's body. As he climaxed, he felt her suddenly tighten around him. Her body shook as her own climax began to take her over. Salatrel's mouth, lips and teeth continued to stimulate her clit and her hand on Selek's balls did not relent. She kept them going at each other... they begged her to stop... they were done.
The only sound in the room was their heavy breathing, three different sets of lungs gasping in unison. Salatrel quickly rolled out from beneath them. T'Atilu collapsed on the bed and Selek landed on top of her. Salatrel curled up next to them and smiled. They both grasped her and kissed her face
"Now it is your turn" Selek promised.
"You are already for more? " she asked in astonishment.
T'Aitlu spoke. Her face was hidden beneath her hair. "We are Vulcan
Little One... you always seem to forget that."
Salatrel's eyes widened, "Uh-oH" she said quietly.
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