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![]() "Salatrel's Beginnings" as recalled by Salatrel
as recorded in the Hall of Records
The Moon was full for the second time in this chilly month: the blue moon some would superstitiously call it. It was an important night for this young hru'hfe (bonded servant) as she walked the campus of the University. The small dark-haired Romulan was still amazed by all there was to discover on this wonderful campus. Everything was new and exciting and appealing. It had been a long time since the hru'hfe had had her mind so engaged. The trip from Romulus had been a long one with only her master and their child for company. Here at night, she had met aliens from all over the quadrent, had discussed current events with very intelligent people. She had even engaged in logical debates with a group of very interesting Vulcans. Everything was new and exciting and appealing. . But the group she had found the most fascinating on the campus were the story-writers.
These were people whose imaginations and tastes were wide and varied. She listened to as much as she could. Her favorites were stories about Romulans and Vulcans. She even researched about the ancient T'Khasian people in the great halls of the campus which were open to the public. She had meet some interesting people along her sight-seeing, but had not really connected with anyone in particular. She was alone on her journey, but just the chance to be around intellectual and interesting people was enough to fire the Romulan hru'hfe's imagination and soul.
After her daily duties were complete, the hru'hfe would scour the great hall looking for stories and information about these great T'Khasian people. After a month of intensive research, she had a passing familiarity with their history, their philosophies, their spirit. But she felt at a loss. Now that she had all this information at her disposal, she had no idea what to do with it.
While in the long hours in the great hall, a young Vulcan male, just having returned from his tour of duty on the Starship Voyager, had made quite an impression on the lonely Romulan female. She noticed him wandering in the great hall and began to have imaginings about him. One day he introduced himself.
"Greetings. I am Vorik."
After that introduction, the two were inseparable. Vorik related stories to her about his adventures in the Delta Quadrant. He had lived an adventurous life filled with many love interests.
One story in particular the two decided to write down and share with the group This had been the evening she had related the tale. A few people had listened and had encouraged her to continue with the story. But one individual, a tall Vulcan male came forth and introduced himself. The shy curly-haired Romulan girl recognized him from her Vulcan discussion group. For a moment, a wave of panic washed over her and she was embarrassed... to be so exposed. To her, the entire security of the story list was anonymity. One could feel comfortable about presenting a story without reprecussions to one's image or self-esteem. But this Vulcan male seemed very kindly and introduced himself rather calmly.
"Greetings Salatrel. I Am Selek. I found your Vulcan story... interesting. I would like to humbly offer you my services as a councilor to your writing efforts. "And with that, he presented his card. It read: 'Blue Moon TrekSmut SweatShop Productions'. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for her answer.
Salatrel for a moment was in shock. He actually wished to aid her in her budding writing efforts.? She felt a great honor at his notice and readily agreed to his offer. With great enthusiasm she continued to write and submit drafts to him of hers and Vorik's first story: "The Purple Vulcan Eater".
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