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![]() "T'Aaneli's Orientation" as recalled by T'Aaneli
as recorded in the Hall of Records
With a quick glance at her pocket chronometer, T'Aaneli reached for the heavy wooden door, palming the ident panel. As the door swung open, she took a deep breath. She sighed quietly, with contentment, as she smelled the slight scent of lavender and tangerine, mixed with the ever present scent of sandalwood. How absolutely lovely, the relaxing scent of essential oils to calm the mind and soothe the body.
She took a step inwards, the door closing slowly behind her. She leaned back against the door, savoring the moment to herself. Ten seconds later, she straightened up, rearranged her robes around her, and headed down the hallway to the Taskmaster's Door. As she passed through the darkened hallways, lighted by the soft glow of candles and torches, she heard the soft tapping of fingers on keyboards, the occasional moan emanating from a far corner.
Twenty paces later, T'Aaneli's slight frame was paused outside the Taskmaster's door. Despite her confidence striding down the hall, now, she hesitated. Was she truly ready?
Nonsense. Such fears were inappropriate and quite illogical. She was ready. She rapped lightly on the door.
"Enter." She head the Taskmaster's deep voice through the door.
She opened the interior door and stepped inside. As her eyes readjusted to the light, flickering from a dozen candles, she scanned the room methodically as was her fashion. Her eyes suddenly stopped, intrigued by the large padd sitting on the desk. With a gleam normally reserved for the moments when she sat down before her keyboard to write, she allowed her eyes to caress the smoothly rounded corners of the portable padd, noting that it appeared to be the latest release. Ahhh... to have such a padd. The freedom to write as the spirit came upon her.
"T'Aaneli, welcome. I am pleased to see that you found the opportunity to rejoin us. I was somewhat concerned after your last visit to the Caves that perhaps we had overwhelmed you." The Taskmaster rose from behind the large desk, covered with neat piles of padds awaiting his attention. He gestured for T'Aaneli to occupy one of the comfortable wing chairs in front of the desk.
"Thank-you Taskmaster." With a swirl of dark red robes, T'Aaneli sank down into the chair, enjoying the comforting feel of the arms of the chair encompassing her.
Selek joined her in an adjacent chair, noting with approval the pleasurable sensations the chair appeared to evoke in the young Vulcan woman before him. The shape of the wing chair was comforting in itself. The sensuous feel of the dark blue velvet was an added pleasure.
"Would you care for any refreshments T'Aaneli? Some mineral water, perhaps some freshly squeezed juice. Taurik has been experimenting with a combination of Terran passion fruit and Vulcan ki'is berries. The taste is... quite stimulating."
T'Aaneli allowed a delicate eyebrow to rise slightly at the description. Her dark eyes fixed Selek with an amused look. "I assume you speak from experience Taskmaster. You would recommend it?"
"Then yes. I would enjoy some refreshments." She tilted her head in agreement, the motion releasing a lock of silky, black hair, formerly tucked behind her ear.
Selek rose and returned thirty seconds later, bearing two glasses, filled with a dark purple liquid. Offering one to T'Aaneli, he returned to his seat. He brought his glass upwards, swirling the liquid, then raising the glass to savour the bouquet. With a deep, satisfied breath, he took the first sip of the drink, marveling for the third time that afternoon at the complexity and delicate balance created by the merging of the Terran fruit and the Vulcan berry.
Selek turned towards T'Aaneli. "Do you find the drink ... enjoyable?"
"Yes, Taskmaster. Quite enjoyable. I suspect it may also be quite... addictive." As T'Aaneli raised the glass to her lips for a second time, she ran her tongue slowly across her lips, apparently savouring every drop of the drink.
As each Vulcan finished their second sips, Selek turned his attention back towards T'Aaneli. "Have you arrived at a conclusion yet as to whether you wish to join the BlueMoon Sweatshop as a kitausu?"
T'Aaneli placed her glass on a small table next to her. She slowly reached for a small gold and silver globe, strung on a delicate silver chain around her neck. Unconsciously, her long fingers began stroking the globe, as she considered her response.
"Taskmaster. I was honoured when you first approached me in regards to joining the BlueMoon Sweatshop. As one who has very recently joined the ranks of the writer's guild, I questioned my ability to create prose which others would find appealing. Your kind words have assisted in alleviating those fears." T'Aaneli paused, collecting her words carefully about her.
"I am also very attracted by those you have gathered about you. T'Aitlu has been very encouraging to me. Salatrel has been most welcoming. Taskmistress T'Shal has been very motivating. And Kaki and Tarn'a appear to be not only extraordinarily talented, but also very kind."
As T'Aaneli continued stroking the small orb, Selek could hear a soft musical tinkling emanating from the globe. "My only fear Taskmaster, is that there may be times when I will be occupied by matters outside the Cave which shall require my absence from the cave for several days at a time. I am concerned that this will affect my ability to meet your ... needs." With that said, T'Aaneli looked up at the Taskmaster with guarded eyes.
"We had anticipated that this would be a concern of yours T'Aaneli. Accordingly, I discussed the matter with the senior kitausu. We have reached a conclusion which I trust you too will find acceptable." Selek rose and moved to the desk. He picked up the Padd and brought it back to T'Aaneli.
"Should you choose to join us, we have obtained a Padd, with secure links to the BlueMoon caves. With this unit, you will be able to reach us and we shall be able to reach you, wherever you may be. Of course, your presence will always be enjoyed most when you are physically present in the Caves, but for those days when you must remain elsewhere, you will not be alone." Selek held the Padd forward. T'Aaneli hesitated for a moment, then reached out and accepted it.
"Thank-you Taskmaster." Her soft voice washed over him as though it were a caress. "Yes, I would be pleased to join the BlueMoon Sweatshop." The guarded look in T'Aaneli's eyes had been replaced with a look of satisfaction and contentment. "However, in addition to myself, there is another whom I wish to bring with me. He will require permanent residence here in the Caves. Can that be arranged?"
"Would this be your Muse?" Selek queried, curious as to what nature of muse this young Vulcan would have.
"Correct Taskmaster. He is not your typical Muse however. He is... Human. Will this pose a difficulty?" Selek could sense T'Aaneli's concern, unwarranted though it might be.
"Each Muse is unique. Provided he understands his duties, his origins will not prove a difficulty. On the contrary, a Human Muse may prompt some interesting discussions and diversions. I trust he has a name?"
"Tomaas." The name was a silky promise.
"Tomaas." Selek played with the sound of the name, repeating it. "I trust he will be in a position to join us shortly?"
"Actually, he is waiting outside the Caves. I had... hoped that our meeting would go well." T'Aaneli was obviously relieved and made no effort to conceal her pleasure.
"In that event, I trust you have no objections if I ask Vorik to escort him in." Selek raised a querying eyebrow.
Selek rose and stepped outside for a moment. Upon his return, he gestured for T'Aaneli to rise. They walked back towards the doorway and stepped into the hallway. As they moved deeper into the depths of the caves, T'Aaneli finally began to feel at home, surrounded by that which she loved -- writing and writers.
They rounded a corner and came upon a table set for ten, linens and crystal reflecting and glowing in the light of the candles. She looked around with growing comprehension as she saw Taurik, Salatrel, T'Aitlu, T'Shal, Tarn'a and Kaki all milling around the table, conversing amongst themselves. Salatrel was the first to notice the appearance of Selek and T'Aaneli.
"Well?" She demanded of Selek, breaking away from the group and directing everybody's attention to the new arrivals. "Are we wasting a good night of writing and other assorted evening activities, or are we celebrating a new kitausu?"
Selek looked to T'Aaneli, and with a tilt of his head, nodded towards the group, suggesting that she answer.
"It appears as though you are celebrating a new kitausu." T'Aaneli's words were greeted by a hubbub of excitement as the group began circling in around their newest member.
"Ladies. Gentlemen. Pardon the interruption." A foreign voice broke into the rising din. Everybody turned around to face the newcomer and stopped in astonishment. Before them stood a handsome--no--a beautiful human male. Perhaps in his late twenties, golden hair tied back with a scarlet silk ribbon, he was dressed in a lush black tunic and leggings. "I would hope that T'Aaneli isn't hogging all of the attention. She does tend to forget that without me, she would never have broken past that initial fear of writing. Allow me to introduce myself--my name is Tomaas. I am T'Aaneli's muse." With a flourish, he gracefully bowed in front of his new audience. As he rose, he caught T'Aaneli's eyes and felt himself being drawn in. He walked towards her, the group parting before him. When he reached her, he leaned down and ran the tip of his tongue ...slowly along the edge of her ear, moving from the base to the delicately pointed tip and returning. He could feel T'Aaneli's eyes closing for a moment in pleasure, then re-opening as she resumed her Vulcan dignity.
Unbeknowst to Tomaas and T'Aaneli, everyone else in the room had felt that same electric shock when Tomass leaned down and touched T'Aaneli. Soft touches were exchanged between hands, kisses dropped on ears and lips, as everyone shared in the passion between a kitausu and her muse.
Selek was the first to collect his presence about him. He and Vorik, rejoining the group after having retrieving Tomaas, walked about the room, directing everyone to their seats. As everybody finished claiming a seat, Selek reached for his wine glass, and held it out for a toast. "T'Aaneli. Tomaas. On behalf of the BlueMoon Treksmut Sweatshop, allow me to welcome you into our midst. May your stories be passionate, may your characters live long lives."
"Hear, hear." The chorus went around the table. Glasses were clinked. And a new kitausu and her Muse became resident in the caves of the BlueMoon Sweatshop.
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