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![]() "The Naming Ceremony" as recalled by by Kitausu-dvinsu T'Aitlu
She stood on the edge of the balcony. Her waist-length hair and her light-weight gown both danced with the gentle breeze. It was cool. The sun would not show itself for another three hours and by then she would be known to all by another name. It was rare that an adult participated in a naming ceremony... Shi'Ahm-tor. She was to become a member of the House of Selek. He offered to her a place and she accepted it with honour.
A blue tinge hung along the horizon. The dawn was approaching. Mt. Seleya loomed dark and mysterious, holding the ancient secrets of Vulcan. This mountain, the most sacred place in the Vulcan heart has born witness to countless toils, trials celebrations and revelations of truth.
The somber Shi'Ahm-tor party approached the base of the mountain. Their footfalls were quieted by the soft sands . A light breeze swirled sand up into the air, pelting and clinging onto the faces and clothing of the party. Selek, the sponsor of the initiate, T'Aitlu, turned back to she how she was fairing in the sands. A quick moment of shared joyous pride simultaneously flickered across their faces.
The Elder of Selek's house awaited them at the appointed place. Built into the mountainside was a stone plateau overlooking the vast sandy plains, the party ascended the stone steps. Their footfalls, at first light, gradually grew heavier as they neared the top.
Having reached the constructed plateau, T'Aitlu took a moment to gaze upon the quiet beauty of the dark sandy plain, outstretched before them. It was an impressive and inspiring site. She became infused with an overwhelming sense of awe. Not just for these surroundings, but for the ceremony and its signifigance.
At the center of the stone plateau, surrounded by fiery torches and shrouded tall beings, the figure of the elder stood motionless. In a disembodied voice, as if it were a voice from the mountains she commanded, "Thee may Approach"
As T'Aitlu solomnly approached this figure, she felt the the charismatic draw of this mystical being.. She was ancient. Her craggy face was severely neutral in expression. Her shocking white hair was elaborately arranged on top of her head. Her headdress was positioned high on her head giving her already imposing figure added height. The only sounds besides the sputtering flickers of the flames, was the flapping of her loose flowing robes. They were bedecked with precious gems mined long ago deep from the heart of Vulcan. Gems which now possessed no commodity value, but were a symbol of the legacy of Vulcan.
T'Aitlu, as she would be called, knelt in front of the elder. She bowed her head then felt the touch of the warm fingertips against her face.
"Thy thoughts. Open them to me." The Elder commanded of her.
She had not been studying long but this was an important part and if this was not done correctly, admission into the House would be denied. She breathed in slowly and allowed all the barriers to fall open. She felt the whisper of a touch through her thoughts. She felt the wisdom of the shortest route to where the House bonding would be placed. Then she felt the sigh of the Elder's leaving.
She waited a moment then looked to the Elder. Her head bowed. Everything had been sufficient.
The Elder cleared her throat slightly. "Who sponsors this child?"
There was movement in the crowd and an imposing figure stepped forward. "I sponsor the child." His hood was pushed back and he took his place at the Elder's feet. He bowed his head, his thoughts were searched then he was released.
T'Lar looked to the sky that was beginning to brighten. "As it was in the dawn of our beginning, as it was in ages past, as it is now and ever shall be. This is the Vulcan heart, the Vulcan soul, the Vulcan way." She looked to T'Aitlu. "Thee are prepared to follow the teaching of thy House?"
"I am."
"Thee are prepared to live thy life as dictated by the Ancient Script?"
"I am."
"Then Selek, thee may proceed."
Selek bowed his head then faced T'Aitlu, both still kneeling. He placed his fingers in position for the branding, then whispered for her to prepare.
Her eyes closed and she relaxed her thoughts and her body. She felt his familiar touch and the vibration that was his alone. She felt the cool fire of the branding and then the emptiness of his leaving.
Selek stood, bowed to T'Lar then offered assistance to T'Aitlu to stand. He bowed his head to her then turned to face the crowd. "May I present Aitlu cha'Selek, House of Surak."
And the sun rose full in the sky and her new life began as a member of the Vulcan house of Surak.
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